
About the Author : - Jagannathan V
                                    An Electronics graduated student turned into an IT Professional.Now I'm a System Administrator, and I specialize in small infrastructures. I am started my career in a sysadmin since around 2008, when I became the System Administrator Accel IT Resources LTD , in Alappuzha in India.In 2011 i have joined in Amrita E-Learning Research Lab, As System Administrator. 

About the Blog : -
                                  Here at my blog, I plan to share with you things that happen in the day to day life of a Systems Administrator Working behind Microsoft,Linux,MAC etc and hopefully give you, the reader, a helping hand in overcoming a few problems that I’ve experienced. Through this Blog I hope to not only expand your knowledge in Information Technology, but mine as well.
                                 I have a plan for including the latest research and security news, informative videos, checklists and other articles covering IT topics for sysadmins and IT enthusiasts.