Saturday, January 31, 2015

Pictures Not Showing Up In Gallery

                        Sometimes Gallery or Music Player in Android phones not showing the music,image files on the SDCard or Internal memory, but these files are viewed and played, when we access it through File Manager.
Solution :- Scan Media Application
Go To Settings  ---> Application Manager ---> Select Media Storage
  1. Clear Data in Media Storage
  2. Disable App and then Enable the same
  3. Restarted the Phone.After restarting please wait at least 2-3 minutes

Monday, January 19, 2015

Boot Into Safe Mode In Windows 8

                              In Windows 8, the boot has become so fast that it literally cannot be interrupted by any of your key presses.
  • Open command prompt as administrator.
  • Then type the following code in command prompt and press enter.
bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy
  • If you typed the above command correctly then Windows will show you a new window saying "The operation completed successfully".
  • Restart your computer.
  • Then press F8 key and you can boot in safe mode without any problem.

Disable Blue Ticks In Whatsapp

                                      Whatsapp the most popular messaging app recently introduced a new feature called “Blue Ticks”.This feature allows users to check message have been read or not.Unfortunately this new feature was unpopular among users.Whatsapp made an option to disable Blue Ticks in its latest version (2.11.444).
How to disable blue ticks in Whatsapp 
  1. Download latest Whatsapp file from play store.
  2. Click on three vertical dots that appear  on the top right.
  3. Go to Settings ---> Account ---> Privacy.
  4. Uncheck Read receipts.