Monday, September 22, 2014

Shell Script To Check The Disk Space On Remote Systems

Php Script for Check The Disk Space On Remote Systems via Web
Create a php file and loaded into the Web-directory (var/www) of the Remote Server
             echo ' Welcome ICTOPS Disk-Analyzer';
             $a = shell_exec('df -H');
             echo 'Overall Disk Status';
              echo $a; echo '';

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Allow Non-Admin User Start/Stop/Restart Certain Services In Windows 7

In Windows XP

1. Edit the properties of the service and set the Log On user. The appropriate right will be automatically assigned.
2. Add these user (Domain Or Local) into the Power User Group
                                                 But in the case of Windows 7, the Power Users group is never the answer. It's an old legacy thing. So i here with mentioned an Another friendly option for doing the same thing using the subinacl command line tool included in the Windows 2003 Resource Kit.
  1. Login as an administrator.
  2. Download subinacl.exe from Microsoft:
  1. Grant permissions to user account to manage the services
  2. Open Command Prompt and Navigate to Subincal installed directory
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\
            SUBINACL /SERVICE Servicename /GRANT=Machine Name\UserName=Access
            SUBINACL /SERVICE Servicename /GRANT=DomainName\UserName=Access
The Access permissions you can grant are defined as follows
F : Full Control
R : Generic Read
W : Generic Write
X : Generic eXecute
L : Read controL
Q : Query Service Configuration
S : Query Service Status
E : Enumerate Dependent Services
C : Service Change Configuration
T : Start Service
O : Stop Service
P : Pause/Continue Service
I : Interrogate Service
U : Service User-Defined Control Commands
Eg -If a Domain User :-
             subinacl /service wampapache /\jagannathanv=TOP
Eg if a Local user
subinacl /service wampapache /grant=PC1\test=TOP
Eg :- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>subinacl /service wampapache
wampapache : new ace for sasi\test
wampapache : 1 change(s)
Elapsed Time: 00 00:00:00
Done:        1, Modified        1, Failed        0, Syntax errors        0
Last Done  : wampapache

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Protect Windows Machine From Autorun Viruses

                                  Autorun is a basic feature of Windows and other operating systems that automatically opens important data on a disc, guiding itself with a secret little file known as “autorun.inf”. The best thing to do in this case is to disable autorun entirely. If you’re using Windows 7 or 8, you can follow this process:
  • Press “Win + R” to open the “Run” dialog.
  • Type gpedit.msc and press “Enter.” This will open the group policy editor.
  • Navigate to “Local Computer Policy -->“Computer Configuration --> Administrative Templates --> Windows Components ---> AutoPlay Policies”. Once you’re there, double-click “Turn off Autoplay.
  • Enable this features and Apply